Saturday, March 24, 2012

Proof of God: Scenario 3

The complete eradication of all diseases and disorders would also be pretty good proof that God exists. By eradication I mean that not only would there be no new cases of things like AIDS, Cancer, Autism, Epilepsy, etc... but all previously diagnosed cases are cured. We have been fighting diseases and disorders for as long as our species has existed. We have made progress, to be sure, but we are no where near having the ability to wipe out all such ailments. There is also no reason to believe we ever will be. If it all just went away I would have to seriously consider divine intervention as the source.

I can foresee some theists objecting to this on a couple of points. The standard free will dodge would no doubt be attempted. I have pointed out how pathetic this approach is on numerous occasions so I won't go into it here beyond stating that a perfect being is incompatible with free will. Another objection I can foresee is the negative affect such a cure-all would have on the planet's limited resources. Overpopulation, which is already a problem, would become intensified. I'd point out that since we are talking about God there is no reason fertility rates couldn't be adjusted. Instead of a monthly menstral cycle why could women not have an annual cycle. I doubt there are any women who object to only having a period once a year. Men reach maximum sperm production within three days. Why not stretch that out as well. Spent seamen being replaced over the course of months rather than days would also seriously drop fertility rates. If God does exist and did create us then God should be able to make such adjustments.

In any case, the sudden and permanent disappearance of all diseases and disorders would definitely constitute proof of God's existence in my opinion.

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