Sunday, May 25, 2014

Stedman almost gets it

"Does Louis C.K. understand atheism?" No, he clearly does not. Chris Stedman, for a change, has some valid points in this piece. Too bad he presents them in a rather wishy-washy half-assed manner. According to Stedman "...Louis C.K. holds some messy and complicated views—as evidenced by some of his statements about atheism." If by that he means that "Louie" is self-deluded and full of shit I'd have to agree whole heartedly.

Stedman offers only mild critiques of such blatant garbage as:
"Something I’ve learned over the years is that when you talk about religion, you want to talk to religious people. Even if you’re talking about something that’s contrary religiously or provocative, a religious audience is a better audience for that. If you talk to a bunch of cool atheists in leather and suede, you know, sucking on their vape sticks or whatever they’re doing, they’re not going to get it because they don’t even think about God. It’s not even on their radar, you know? But if you tell religious people, 'I don’t know if there’s a God, I don’t think there’s a heaven, where’s God’s ex-wife,' these things, they have a connection to it that means something."

Wow! So loaded with the steamy stuff that you'd think this assholes brain was literally made of excrement. I have met in person or otherwise interacted with a decent number of atheists and I can't think of any I could describes as "a bunch of cool atheists in leather and suede, you know, sucking on their vape stick." Hs he actually met any other atheists? Does he think cartoon characters are real? I also have to wonder how he knows what others are thinking? This jack-ass doesn't seem to get that unbelief does not automatically translate into disinterest.

If belief were a prerequisite for interest "Louie" wouldn't have a career. For that matter, there would be no fictional stories at all. Try to imagine the state of the arts if this were actually the way things worked. I find that rather disturbing. It is also odd that he takes this approach since it somewhat contradicts his own statements. He is an atheist. However, he doesn't think he is since he is not certain about God's existence or nonexistence. First, certainty has little to do with whether you are an atheist or not. If you don't believe that you are an atheist. Also, why is he commenting on it at all. By his own standards he should keep quiet.

Stedman seems to give far too much credit when he mischaracterizes some of these comments by writing "I appreciate C.K.’s call for intellectual humility." Umm, no. Promoting fallacies and stereotypes is not an example of "intellectual humility." It is a clear indication of an individual's ignorance and/or bias.

I appreciate C.K.’s call for intellectual humility - See more at:
I appreciate C.K.’s call for intellectual humility - See more at:
I appreciate C.K.’s call for intellectual humility

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