Friday, August 17, 2012

Scripture can be Interesting

Even though my overall view of scripture tends to be negative, I do not want to give the impression that I believe it is completely without potential. Personally, I think the very idea of scripture leads to far more harm than good. Like everything else that exists scripture is not pure. It is not all one way or another. There are positive aspects mixed in with the negative. One religious tradition that has always seemed slightly better than most is Taoism. I have sometimes joked that if I ever had to choose a religion it would be Taoism. It, like other religions, does have its own set of rites and rituals but does not seem to focus on them as much. It is one of the more philosophical faiths. I first read the Tao Te Ching in middle school and have read it numerous times since. Also like most religions the scripture of Taoism varies within translation, version, and edition. The specific volume of the Tao Te Ching I read first (I've since read a handful of different ones) is still the one I prefer.* Below is one of my favorite passages. It has its flaws but overall I find it to be very thoughtful.


Your name or your person,
Which is dearer?
Your person or your goods,
Which is worth more?
Gain or loss,
Which is a greater bane?
That is why excessive meanness
Is sure to lead to great expense;
Too much store
Is sure to end in immense loss.
Know contentment
And you will suffer no disgrace;
Know when to stop
And you will meet with no danger.
You can then endure.

*Tao Te Ching. trans. D.C. Lau. New York: Penguin Books, 1963.

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