Saturday, June 23, 2012

Did she really "Convert"? Does it Matter?

Some seem to be both surprised and disturbed by Leah Libresco's "conversion" to Christianity. I don't really see it as that big of a surprise or even remotely significant. I have nothing against her but I never really cared for her Patheos Blog. I always wonder if she really was an atheist. Leah nearly admits to such without really being aware of it. In "This is my last post for the Patheos Atheist Portal" she acknowledges something I had noticed despite having only previously read a handful of her posts. She routinely referenced "soul" and "sin" as if they were real. It is possible, though highly unlikely, that an atheist could have some supernatural based beliefs. However, those two would be difficult to take seriously without a belief in God. Personally, I don't think she was ever really an atheist. I think she found it hard to accept organized religion's rigidity and intolerance.

In either case, I wish her well. If identifying with atheists was not working for her then it makes sense for her to stop doing so.

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