Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why the Controversy?

Why is it that a billboard with an atheistic message is automatically controversial but one with a Christian message is not?

African Americans for Humanism are starting a billboard campaign that is actually rather mild in tone. But tone never seems to matter when it comes to atheism. The most outspoken among atheists are always characterized as shrill, angry, and/or militant. It never matters how civil they are. Dawkins is a great example. He is often forceful in his speaking style but I have yet to see him lose his temper or behave in a rude uncivil manner yet that is how he tends to be described.

So what is going to be on the billboards?

"Doubts about your religion? You are one of many."

That is what the controversy is over. How pathetic are those who protest over such a simple question.

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